Digital Solutions for Human Collaboration.

Affordable Spaces for Everyone!​

Based on the exploration of merging Share Economy with digitization, CU.Office Berlin aims to establish a resource-efficient office routine, experimenting with data and automated processes to offer cost-effective office spaces in Berlin, under a self-organized, membership-based model.

We are currently exploring ways to merge the Share Economy and digitization, which led to the initiation of the project CU.Office. Our aim here is to establish a resource-efficient office routine on one hand, and on the other, to experiment with data and automated processes to determine how we can offer office spaces in Berlin as cost-effectively as possible, especially for the user. We operate with the Cobot software and a membership model.

Users of our coworking space, which is intended to be completely self-organized, pay a monthly fee of €60 and can book work desks and the meeting room. In return, they receive a credit of €40 per month. A work desk cost €1 per hour, and the meeting room is €5 per hour.

With 25 members, the project already covers its costs. The next goal is to stabilize the project, extend the lease for another five years, continue to develop the project, and for this, we aim to create a 25-50% position (TVöD E 11) for Business Development and a €450 position for Office Management.

We are excited to see where this journey leads. The project is named CU.Office Berlin and is located in Berlin-Wedding.

You are very welcome to become part of and support this project. Just drop us a brief email to express your interest.


Anika Straub
Sustainability Officer

Amr Aswad
Developer of the membership model and actually a virologist from Oxford

Ruben Heppner
Urban and Regional Manager with a focus on Share Economy

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